Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy

For success and effective personal transformation, it is important to work with the principals that each mind uses to store, factor, and apply information.

   Law of Belief  First law of the mind.
Whatever you believe you will become.

Law of Expectation Second law of the mind
Whatever your expectations are will be the result.

Law of Attraction Third law of the mind
We attract people and situations that harmonize with our most dominant thoughts.

Law of Concentration Fourth law of the mind
Whatever you focus on you increase.

Law of Substitution Fifth law of the mind
Opposing thoughts cannot be held at the same moment.

Law of Repetition Sixth law of the mind
The way to change an unconscious behavior is to repeat a new one
Law of Relaxation Seventh law of the mind
The conscious mind exerts pressure in order to achieve. The subconscious mind lets go of pressure in order to achieve.
Law of Action Eighth law of the mind
Each suggestion acted upon gives more receptivity to the next.
 Law of Mind/Body Connection Ninth law of the mind
 Every thought has a corresponding action in the body.
Law of Imagination Tenth law of the mind
What you visualize is what you create.
Law of Computer Programming Eleventh law of the mind
Garbage in is garbage out.
Law of Reflection Twelfth law of the mind
We attract to us whatever it is we need to work on in ourselves.

For more on Hypnosis for Healing and Body/Mind Integration, please read

Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis

Two Parts of The Mind

Susan Burns, MA, LMHC, NBCCH is a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist.







Life Mastery



Transition Tools

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 See Counseling Services.

Susan Burns, MA, LMHC, NCC, CEAP Copyright 2004-2020